3 more components for a successful lesson (part 2)

We know that amazing lessons don't just fall out of the sky. (Boy that would be nice, eh!?)

Teachers, namely YOU, make them happen with intentional, thoughtful instruction.

And, the components that we shared in part 1 of this series, along with the ones we'll cover today are the components that we see time and time again in lessons that make the biggest impact on student learning.

As a review, here are the first three. Successful lessons...

  • allow for student independence

  • include a variety of engaging visuals

  • offer opportunities for students to work at their own pace

Here are 3 more components to add to the list:


Student choice has been a hot topic in classrooms lately, and for good reason.

We know that when students feel that they have a choice, they are more motivated.

And who wouldn’t be? No one likes to be told what to do, and how to do it …all the time. Sometimes we need that, but other times, providing a looser environment that puts students in the driver's seat is important too.

Student choice often gets misunderstood.

I think it’s misunderstood because of the rise of choice boards in the classroom. When we hear student choice, we automatically think of choice boards that give students a set of 9 or so activities to choose from to show their learning.

Choice boards are, indeed, great and are ONE way to offer choice.

But it doesn’t always have to be that involved or complicated. Choice can be as simple as allowing students to choose WHERE they learn in the classroom.

Do they have to sit at their seats? Or can they grab a carpet square or go sit in the bean bag chair? It may seem like a simple choice - but we know how excited kids with these simple options.

It could be as simple as giving them choice in WHO they work with.

It could also be as simple as giving them a choice in the ORDER that they complete something.

Think of ways that you can implement simple choices in your everyday lesson activities.


Students today are digital natives. Meaning - they speak technology. They communicate often with technology.

Because of the digital nature of our world, we can make lessons more effective if we speak in the way students learn.

Successful lessons incorporate meaningful technology, where appropriate, so that students learn, not only know how to navigate websites or online activities (a critical 21st century skill), but they also learn how to be good digital citizens and learn to be responsible in their use of technology.

For those who work with younger students at the elementary level, now is the time to begin that tech journey with students in a controlled and safe environment.

Even more - through technology, we can open our students’ world wide open. They can use things like Google Earth to not just read about things like the Egyptian pyramids, but actually to see them in 3-D.

We can use technology to not just talk about the weather and climate, but to watch videos of what severe weather actually looks like. The opportunities are truly endless.

Technology adds an instant layer of engagement to motivate our technology-speaking students.

The use of technology in the classroom leads us to the last component of a successful lesson…


Technology makes multimedia instruction possible.

A simple definition of multimedia is a form of communication that combines different content forms such as text, audio, images, animations, or video into a single interactive presentation, in contrast to traditional media which featured little to no interaction from users, such as printed material.

We need multimedia elements in our lessons.

Multimedia content allows students to learn something new and explore it from all angles. They aren’t just reading about rocks and minerals in a textbook, they are seeing real photos, or watching eye-catching videos, or hearing audio clips about it.

Through multimedia they can gain a complete understanding about something.

And adding multimedia in our regular instruction has never been easier through the use of kid-friendly website, videos, online games, and more.

So, now it's your turn to reflect of these components to see how you can transform learning by implements one or more of these in your everyday teaching.


Creating a Modern, 21st century classroom


3 Components for a Success Lesson: Part 1